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Bassar /Dankpen: Xenophobic attacks on Adja continue

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The Adja community (ethnic group in southeastern Togo) has been subjected to an avalanche of organized violence in some localities in recent months, by the inhabitants who claim the title of indigenous.

The renewed violence began in October 2019.

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It is indeed a confusing story. A baby was reportedly abducted in Bassar Prefecture, Bandjeli (northern Togo).

After the baby’s disappearance, locals who say they have consulted a vodou claim to have discovered in the oracles that it is the Adja who are responsible for the removal of the baby.

The tone was set to endanger the life of this community in the community.

Alerted to the current situation, the prefect of Bassar found no better way to do than to urge the Adja to pack their bags and take cover for some time, remaining according to information complicit in the xenophobic and tribalist attitude of the inhabitants of Bassar.

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He nevertheless assures that justice will do its job and place responsibilities without lifting a finger to protect the victims.

An investigation carried out in the locality by ethnic Adja associations revealed that the administrative and judicial authorities are leaving the Adja to their fate.

The Prefect and the mayor met did not promise to take measures to limit the violence.

The mission’s report revealed that these populations’ behaviour towards the Adja ethnic group is not new.

The Bassar people would accuse the Adja of making their business prosper in the locality on magical practices. That’s right, the owners of shops, gas station stores and other commercial activities are the Adja.

And this prosperity according to the report is poorly digested in the locality. This is one of the reasons for the violence, which allowed local youth to loot shops to stock up on bags of rice, oil cans and other products.

While the Togolese authorities do not seem to attach importance to this situation, the Adja cadres and senior officials of this community in the capital Lomé do not fly to the aid of their brothers in danger even as these attacks baund in Bassar and Guerin Kouka.

Koffi Sodokin, an informed adviser to the Presidency, just asked the victims to go and complain to the courts.

The Adja associations decided to take responsibility for the resignation of Adja executives by preparing to give a press conference to alert the public.

The young people were blocked in their tracks by the former Minister of Planning, Sir Sémondji, who asked to give him two weeks, an opportunity to meet the Head of State before any action while the violence continues on the spot.

This attitude of personalities supposed to protect their brothers and sisters is decried by the Adja of all backgrounds who threaten to retaliate against foreign ethnic groups also based in their localities. Retaliation that the young Adja wanted to cushion while waiting for the state to act, for lack of action by ministers and advisers unable to protect their communities in danger.

Ironically, the Prefect of the Middle Mono, for 15 years, the stronghold of the adja has originated in Bassar, the xenophobic city. He, too, does not call on his brothers to be calm and restrained.

The wish of the victims and young Adja who follow this case is to urge these adja cadres to get rid of this role of spectator and to take action; to help their people.

The Adja community has long been victims of these xenophobic acts. Justice should do its job; those responsible for crimes should be arrested and tried to serve as an example. Every Togolese citizen is free to move and live in any locality without being prevented from doing so.

The role of councillors and ministers is not only to claim property from the authorities on behalf of the people, but also and above all to protect them.

The silence of Djossou Sémondji and Koffi Sodokin, who proclaim themselves as legal representatives of the Adja to the Head of State, is guilty.

The Adja people are therefore waiting for them at the political turning point to justify themselves.

Alfredo Philomena

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